About Sleeping Beauty:


Welcome to my blog: Sleeping Beauty!

Why did I choose the name "Sleeping Beauty?

The name Sleeping Beauty actually has more than one meaning. The name originated from a joke in my family. I am a girl that enjoys my beauty sleep and I will get grumpy if I go too long without it. Plus, everyone knows the famous line get your beauty rest, you need it.�Sleeping Beauty has awaken to tell you about what she has learned and to help you in the battle of everyday common beauty problems by giving you tips and tricks you will not find in a store or anywhere else, besides making sure you get your beauty rest.  

My name is Michelle! I am a fun-loving girl enjoying the adventures of life. My two favorite things in life are coffee and chocolate! I am a journalist and absolutely love what I do. I enjoy socializing with people and meeting new faces on a daily basis. I am on a mission to live life to the fullest, enjoying each step of the way.

One of my goals was to create a blog for people to read and enjoy. My mission for this blog is to share what I have learned through research to help people avoid beauty problems individuals battle with everyday. 

How did I get into this? 

Like many of you out there I was a typical girl that started dealing with common beauty problems such as acne, dry hair, fine lines and dead skin. I bought into the lie of trying product after product from shelves in the store to high-end salon treatments. Nothing helped my skin. In fact, my conditions continued to get worse. That's when I changed my mindset and way of approaching my beauty problems. I started researching natural remedies and was completely astonished at the results and reviews I read. Of course I was a skeptic and didn't know if it was a huge hype or not. I decided to give the natural route a try because I didn't have anything to lose. After about two weeks of consistently using natural ingredients, masks and recipes my beauty problems started fading away. I became totally addicted furthering my research. I now have a completely different approach when dealing with beauty problems. I am now a firm believer and never going back. I am healthier because of it.

Now don't be like me and wait till your conditions get out of hand to start treating them. However, I can make you the promise that you will not regret doing things naturally. Using natural items have a way of treating your body in ways products cannot.

There are shelves filled with so many products out there that promise specific results when they can in fact make conditions worse. However, my objective is to show you natural ways to treat beauty problems that will give you results that not even high dollar products can provide. I want to give you ways to not only treat the problems you are dealing with now but to save you from problems down the road. Keeping you looking like a sleeping beauty for as long as possible.

Chances are the solutions you are searching for are already in your cabinets. Everything I share with you on this blog I have already been the "guinea pig" for and tried on myself. Everything will be completely natural and safe for your body. Some of the remedies may seem sketchy on the outset but give them a try and you'll see for yourself what I am talking about.

That is the objective of my blog and I sincerely hope you enjoy this blog and find the content to be helpful in keeping yourself looking your best. 


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