Frizzy Hair Under Control | Hair Fall Treatment

The Fall Season is here! Pumpkins, spice smells, and colorful leaves, is what reminds me of the fall season. However, if we stop and think for a second, the weather is also going through a change from hot and sunny to windy with cooler temperatures. What does all this add up to? FRIZZ! You style your hair perfectly, take one step outside and what happens? POOF! Unfortunately, we all know what comes with that "poof" frizzy hair. Your hair is everywhere... Now you have to go out with however your hair ended up. So instead of dodging the beautiful fall weather, there are a few simple ways we can combat frizzy hair and fully enjoy the fall season. Whether you have frizzy hair or it's just the way your hair reacts to the season, this post is for you. Now, I know that some of these techniques might seem scary and that you will look absolutely lovely while doing them but it will be worth it, promise! Good Old Egg Mask: Grab:...