Thicken your eyelashes | Longer thicker eyelashes

Who doesn't want long, thick and full lashes like a barbie doll?? L ong eyelashes that are thick and beautiful are something that every women envies and wishes to have. So now your wish can come true! It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul... So, why not open up those eyes more and make them look even more lively with longer, thicker and bolder lashes?? A good set of eyelashes are definitely a statement piece that enhance the way your eyes stand-out and are a top notch accessory to our look. Using natural home remedies offers endless options that are used with confidence in the domain of beauty care to get the fabulous look you are searching for! So, to obtain that let's eliminate the chemical "thickeners" an let's head to the cabinets, as these ingredients are most likely already present and ready for use! These are some of the time-tested options offered that are both efficient and have a visible effect on your eyelashes. Olive...