Dark Circles and Puffy eyes? Problem Solved!

Here we go entering on a bit of a touchy topic that no girl wants to deal with... So, you look older than you really are or always tired all thanks to those dark circles under your eyes, no one likes them but there they are! Although dark circles may be a fact of life for many of us, that doesn't mean we have to live with them. As they mimic the soft black fur around a raccoon's eyes. Now, while it looks good surrounding a raccoon's eyes, on us humans... they are an entirely different matter. They can be quite distracting and do not exactly present a very alluring appearance (and sadly makeup can't cover everything). Don�t sweat! The good news is, that there are a boat load of simple, natural treatments and lifestyle changes, that are not to dramatic (thank goodness), that you can do at home to rid yourself of those dark circles once and for all. There is no need to spend valuable money on expensive treatments and products that do more harm to your ski...